When to write a book, pt. 4 – Establish Authority, pt. 2: With Students...

Apr 20, 2012 by

The idea of a college professor needing to publish is old and established, and yet shockingly most do not. This is a serious mistake, considering the advent of such sites as rateyourprofessor.com and other such resources – students don’t choose classes or professors on word of mouth anymore. Before taking any class, 87% of all students do some preliminary reaserch online. It’s no longer impressive if you’ve published a book. Instead, it is now simply a mark against you if you have NOT. On the other hand, the idea of a high school or grade school teacher having published is not so established. It is, however, an excellent way to establish authority. Your student’s parents are much more likely to give your advice credence if you can send a copy of your book home...

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When to write a book, pt. 3 – Establish Authority...

Apr 13, 2012 by

If you own a small business (lumber, bookstore, mattress store, catering, flower arrangements, etc.) it’s hard to explain to a prospective customer or client why they should choose your services out of the literal millions available to them in today’s world. “I’m the best” or “I’m a man of my word” might have swayed a few customers twenty years ago, helping you build a loyal client base, but no longer. With the internet at the core of our society now, it’s well known that customer reviews can be faked, that bad reviews can be removed, and anyone can claim to be the ‘premier’ or ‘#1’ in anything, based on a sampling of even just two or three opinions. Five star ratings mean very little when the only review is your favorite aunt, who just...

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When to write a book, pt 2 – Speaker’s Circuit...

Apr 6, 2012 by

This may seem obvious, but if you do any amount of public speaking, you really should have a book. Even if your public speaking is simply part of your capacity in your normal corporate job, a book is an incredibly useful tool. If you’re called upon to speak in front of your own company regularly, the best way to make sure what you say is taken seriously is to have a book to stand behind – everyone knows you were told to say what you’re saying, but if you can point out the book you’ve written on what it is you do, and explain how you believe strongly in what you’re saying, it will have more clout, be more effective, and get more accomplished overall. This will sit incredibly well with your higher-ups, as...

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When to write a book, pt 1- Retirement...

Mar 30, 2012 by

There are key points in life when one of the best things you can do is write a book. The most obvious is, when you retire – you’ve now lived a seriously exciting story, and now you have all that free time on your hands. In a few months, you’ve done all those things you swore to yourself you’d do when you had the time to do them, and now you’re bored. Really, you cannot watch one more daytime soap. It’s going to drive you insane. You want to DO something. You want to be productive again. You want that feeling of accomplishment at the end of the day, and that book of stamps is now getting really, really full. Write a book – tell your story. Your family would love the legacy. Your...

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