The Dark Knight Rises

Aug 1, 2012 by

The Dark Knight Rises

Spoiler warning: I went to a midnight showing of the third Nolan Batman movie. I waited a week, but if you have not seen it yet and do not want to know what happened, do not continue to read this article.

Click here if you don't mind spoilers

They never explained where he got the mask. Nor, in fact, why the prison now belongs to him – something I would very much have liked to know.

The movie was excellent for what it was, though it was honestly a bit empty of Batman himself. I was disappointed with the fact that they set it up for Nightwing with no real chance of us getting a Nightwing movie. All that said, this is not a movie critique site, it’s a ghostwriting website – my personal platform for discussion of the book industry and writing at large.

I take issue with the plot holes, sir. And they didn’t need to be there – I’m sure the explanations were all there, ready to be given, but they were never communicated to the audience.

Considering this was the movie adaptation of one of the more recent Batman reboots, it seems unreasonable to assume the audience had the entire plot already memorized. As with any good story, you always write assuming the reader/audience knows nothing of the setting or backstory other than what you’ve given. You must give all the details therefore, either in exposition or conversation.

They did not. I understand that this is a major motion picture, but all the worse for their lack of fulfillment of the promise given by the previous two movies.

Amazing direction and acting can make up for some lack of story, but not all. Remember to tell or show your readers or audience what it is they need to know to be happy and satisfied at the end, or you may not get them back.

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